COMING SOON - The Pursuit of Compassion!

In a world that can often feel cold and harsh, the Pursuit of Compassion may seem like a daunting task. But it is through acts of compassion – whether big or small – that we can begin to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us.

One way I like to cultivate compassion is through music. Listening to – or even better, playing – music can help us to connect with our emotions and open our hearts. Research has shown that musical training can actually increase levels of empathy and compassion (1).

Another way to develop compassion is through meditation. Compassion meditation, in particular, has been shown to decrease anxiety and stress while increasing feelings of warmth and concern for others (2). So if you’re looking for ways to feel more connected and compassionate, consider adding some music and meditation into your life.


I will be officially kicking off this journey April 1st. I would LOVE to hear what Compassion means to you, or how you use compassion throughout your day. Fill out this form…and join the Pursuit!


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