Katie Maricle - Compassion Is…


Katie Maricle is a former broadcast journalist student of mine...and dare I say friend! She had one hell of a 2013...and not in a good way. She was looking for something to blog about the other day...so I mentioned, why not "Compassion." This is what she wrote. - Chirs

Katie Maricle is a Broadcast Journalist in the US. Air Force. She by her on admission is addicted to binge-watching dramas on ABC and eating chips and salsa. Oh, and dance parties. She loves dance parties.

I decided to reach out to my Facebook and Twitter friends in an effort to get a little inspiration for this next post.

I received great ideas, such as taking bets on how many times I will change my hair style – we can discuss this topic after I go get my hair colored this weekend – to Beyoncé – go buy her new album because it’s freakin’ fantastic – to my plan for 2014 – I will let you know when I figure that out myself.

Then, a professional mentor and friend of mine asked that I help him with his New Year’s Project. I couldn’t be happier to assist.

First off, go visit his website at Mala For Vets. It’s epic and he’s doing a lot of great work for folks who deal with Post Traumatic Stress. You can even enter to win a mala for yourself — but back off the yellow one. I want the yellow one.

So, what is today’s topic?


Let’s define it according to Merriam-Webster.

compassion – sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it

Hey! That’s what I was in desperate need of for practically all of 2013!

I was on the receiving end of oodles and oodles of compassion when I lost my dad last April (for those wondering – two types of cancer) and it brought me out of some really dark times. Whenever I am sad, or something bad happens in my world, it’s the compassion of my loved ones that helps me to carry on.

But, that’s not what compassion is about. Oh yeah, I said it. Compassion is not about receiving. Compassion is about giving. DuhThanks, dictionary.

I have been the recipient of more compassion than I could ever dream of. So 2014 — no, my entire life — should be about giving compassion to those who need it. Chances are, if someone I know is struggling in any way, I can help because chances are, I’ve been there.

Hey now — what if I haven’t been there? What if someone I don’t know is struggling? Easy — I can offer myself through God’s love, service, and selflessness.

I have a saying on a post-it (I keep it fancy in my home) that I keep on my door — “Be an example of God’s love every time you walk outside this home.Not every other time. Every. Single. Time. I must know where I came from, what I had to get through to be here, and most importantly, I must know that someone out there is struggling, and is in need of the compassion that I have received in my life.

I leave you with a challenge — this weekend, be compassionate to a total stranger. It’s easier than you think. Get creative with it. Be the change you want to see in the world. And afterward, celebrate by blasting Beyoncé’s album. Seriously you guys, I cannot stress how amazing this album is.

Will you join my Pursuit? I’d love to post your blog on what Compassion means to you. Send me an email: malaforvets@gmail.com


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Compassion - Its Just As Easy!