Harness Your Full Potential with the Recalibrated Warrior Mala

MalaforVets is proud to introduce the Recalibrated Warrior Mala. This mala was designed to help those who are ready to unlock their hidden potential and discover limitless possibilities. Obsidian will help protect you from negative energies that may be blocking you from achieving your desired outcomes. Carnelian bead will help keep your emotions in check, replacing them with love instead. Unakite will draw out negativity and blockages around your heart area, while the Bodhi Seed bead will connect you with your true nature. Lastly, the Hamsa hand will stand by you no matter what life throws your way.

Introducing the Recalibrated Warrior Mala – a mala designed to help those who are ready to unlock their hidden potential and discover limitless possibilities.

The Recalibrated Warrior Mala is designed to help those ready to unlock their hidden potential and discover limitless possibilities. The mala features 108 beads, each representing a different quality or characteristic that can be cultivated to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. The beads are made from various other materials, including Obsidian, Bohdi Seed, Carnelian, and Unakite. Each material has unique benefits and properties that can help support the wearer on their personal growth and transformation journey.

The Recalibrated Warrior Mala is not just a piece of jewelry; it is a tool that can be used to help facilitate positive change in your life. By wearing the mala and focusing on the qualities represented by each bead, you can begin to make small shifts in your thinking and behavior that can lead to significant changes in your overall well-being. If you are ready to take your life to the next level, the Recalibrated Warrior Mala can help you get there.

The benefits of the Obsidian, Carnelian, Unakite, and Bodhi Seed beads are included in the mala.

The obsidian bead is believed to offer strength and protection, while the Carnelian is said to be a stone of motivation and courage. Unakite promotes balance and harmony, and the Bodhi Seed is believed to represent wisdom and enlightenment.

How the Hamsa hand will protect and support you through any challenges, you may face.

The Hamsa hand is an ancient symbol used for centuries to protect and support people through challenges. The word "Hamsa" comes from the Arabic word for "five," and the hand is traditionally depicted with five fingers. The Hamsa hand is said to represent the power of God and is believed to protect those who wear it from harm.

The Hamsa hand is a famous symbol in many cultures and has various meanings. In some cultures, the Hamsa hand is seen as a symbol of protection, while in others, it is seen as a symbol of good luck. Whatever its specific meaning, the Hamsa hand is a powerful symbol that can help to support and protect people through any challenges they may face.

Why it’s important to recalibrate your energy and how this mala can help you do that.

When it comes to recalibrating our energy, it’s essential to understand why this is necessary in the first place. Our energy levels are constantly in flux; sometimes, we feel off-balance and out of sync. This can be due to various factors, including stress, diet, sleep patterns, etc.

Malas are traditionally used in yoga and meditation practices as a way to keep focus and count breaths or mantra repetitions. But they can also be used for their energetic properties. Each type of bead has a different vibration, and when these beads are arranged in a particular order, they can create an active field that can help to support and balance the wearer.

We’ve created a particular mala that we feel is perfect for recalibrating your energy. It features 108 beads made from various natural stones, each with its unique vibration. We’ve also included a few extra accent beads that promote additional energies of balance and harmony.

When you wear this mala, you’ll be surrounded by an energetic field that will help you to find your center and achieve a sense of balance. You may also feel more grounded, relaxed, and at ease. If you’re looking to recalibrate your energy and get back into alignment, this mala is the perfect tool to help you do just that.

How the Recalibrated Warrior Mala can help you achieve your desired outcomes and reach your full potential.

When it comes to reaching our full potential and achieving our desired outcomes, few things are as helpful as the Recalibrated Warrior Mala. This powerful tool can help us to access our inner strength and power and to use it to create the lives we want for ourselves.

The Recalibrated Warrior Mala is a set of 108 beads, each representing a different quality or attribute that we can choose to cultivate in our lives. By meditating on these qualities and using the Mala to keep track of our progress, we can see real change in ourselves. We can become more confident, focused, and successful in whatever we set our minds to.

Some of the benefits of working with the Recalibrated Warrior Mala include the following

-A deeper understanding of ourselves and what we are capable of achieving

-A greater sense of purpose and direction in our lives

-More clarity about what we want to achieve and how to go about achieving it

- Greater self-discipline and motivation

- Improved concentration and focus

- Enhanced creativity and problem-solving ability

- More incredible physical energy and stamina

If you are seeking a tool to help you reach your full potential and create the life you want, the Recalibrated Warrior Mala is an excellent choice. By focusing on the qualities represented by the beads, you can begin to see real change in yourself – a change that will help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

It is important to recalibrate your energy regularly to maintain a healthy balance. This mala can help you do just that. By wearing or carrying it with you, you will be reminded to take time for yourself and connect with your higher self. The Recalibrated Warrior Mala can help you achieve your desired outcomes and reach your full potential.


HI! I’m Chris and I am a Recalibrated Warrior! I have written several posts in the past about how I was able to recalibrate myself after experiencing the traumas of war. There are many studies that suggest there is powerful healing in writing down words…and sharing your experiences. I’d like to ask for you to share your stories for this new blog series…called…The Recalibrated Warrior. I’d be honored to share how you were able to use tools like yoga, meditation, and mindful practices to become the best version of you. Send me an email and let’s help other warriors with your story.


Morganite…positive energy and abundance.


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